A Ma Te Rials and Methods Voice Re Ha Bil I Ta Tion in Laryngectomees: Com Par I Son of Daily-life per for Mance of 4 Types of Alaryngeal Speech


  • Tung-Lung Tsai
  • Shyue-Yih Chang
  • Yuan-Ching Guo
  • Pen-Yuan Chu

since the last de cade in the treat ment of ad vanced la ryn geal or hypopharyneal can cer, to tal laryngectomy with or with out post op er a tive ra dio ther apy is still the stan dard treat ment in many in sti tutes. Re storing the phonation for com mu ni ca tion is an im por tant is sue for laryngectomees. In Tai wan, there are 4 alaryngeal speech meth ods avail able: the pneu matic de vice (Tai wan tube), electrolaryngeal speech, esoph a geal speech and tra cheoesophageal pros the sis. Satisfaction with speech rehabilitation and over all qual ity of life were re ported else where. In Tai wan, how ever, the daily per for mance of these de vices has never been re ported. We there fore in 2000 con ducted a ques tion naire sur vey to mem bers of the Tai wan Laryngectomees’ As so ci a tion, in a hope that in for ma tion thus ob tained can be valu able for head and neck sur geons to con sult the pa tients.

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تاریخ انتشار 2003